jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

Photographic camera

Hi bloggers! today I'm going to talk about a piece of tecnology that many of us use every day in our lives, I'm talking about the camera. With the camera we can capture moments that we want to keep in our memory for a long time and leave a memory of some good experience.

I remember that my mom had an analog camera when I was a litlle girl and we had to wait to reveal the negative to see the photo, then I had a digital camera for a long time when I was about 12 years old, I liked it a lot and took it to camps! but he died when they spilled juice on him :(

Today I have a digital camera that I buy myself with my savings, but I have always wanted to have an instant camera and have the photos on paper, it gives more romanticism.

See you in the next blog!! xoxo

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

My Best Friend

 Hi Bloggers! Today I will introduce you to my best friend Carolina, We have known each other since we both entered the school in the first grade of primary school in 2005 but at that time we were only classmates. I think it was when we were 11 when we started talking and sharing more, and since then we have been together! They are already 14 years old (woow!).

We share many things and hobbies, one of them is that we both go to the same Scout group and we are guiding the same group of girls, we like animals very much! we like nature and trekking, we have gone on vacation together and we like to travel a lot! our dream is to travel to India, China or some Asian country someday, their culture is so different from ours!Our families are friends and they are always doing activities together, like roasts, outings or just getting together to spend time.

As good friends sometimes we fight but it doesn't take long for us to talk again and reconcile, I also know that I can count on her when she needs it and she also with me. In short she is a very good friend! Here the last picture we took a week ago.
Bye bloggers see you next week!

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

Moral Distraída

Today I'm going to talk about a band that I saw live in the O'higgins Park for the national holidays in 2016Moral Distraída. Is a Chilean band founded in 2010 that fuses urban music and tropical music with influence of Cuban music. The band was founded by Abel Zicavo, Camilo Zicavo and Amaru López in 2010, after they met thanks to their participation in the play "The Big Bang". The group recorded a couple of initial albums: "La Moral Distraída" in 2011 and "Basado en la vida real" in 2012, which contain hits like Dame ron and Lais, while the band was known in festivals and scenarios in the city of Santiago.

The band is composed of 10 members, led by Abel Zicavo (Voice, choirs and three Cuban) and Camilo Zicavo (Voice and choirs) and his success begins in November 2016 with a concert at a Caupolicán Theater, since that day he has participated in festivals such as "Festival del Huaso de Olmué", "Cumbre del Rock Chileno" and " Lollapalooza Chile".

I remember when I saw them live with my friends we knew few songs but we were struck by their rhythm and energy on stage!! Here I leave a video of one of his last songs.... I hope you enjoy it!!

domingo, 9 de junio de 2019

Hot Springs in the Chilean Andes

Termas del Plomo are natural rustic pools of thermal waters from the San José Volcano, inserted in the middle of the Andes Mountain Range, at an approximate height of 2,900 m and 68 km. of San José de Maipo, to reach this place you must reach the town of San Gabriel and start the ascent surrounding the "Embalse el Yeso", after approximately two hours you will arrive at the Valle del Yeso where you enter and cross the river to reach the hot springs. Access to the site is from November to May and is normally closed from the first snowfall in the fall until the end of spring. in this place the view towards the mountains is beautiful and you can see nature in its purest state, I went with my dad in February of 2016 to say goodbye to the summer holidays of that year, we went for the day and we did a trekking along the river bank towards "La Laguna de los Patos", with my dad we shared the hobby of trekking so it was a very good day, I didn't bathe in the lagoon because the water was frozen! not literally jaja ​​but it was very cold, my dad took a bath and only lasted a few seconds on it!
I would really like to go back to this place but this time to camp, you can take much more time and I could go with my friends!

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

My hobby

I think I have many hobbies, when I was a child I practiced figure skating from 7 years old  until 11, then I liked volleyball and now I like to practice trekking. I really like any activity where I have to move but I also like crafts like draw, paint or create something with my hands, since I was a child my mom encouraged me to be creative (maybe because she is an art teacher) I always had some activity, so I like it since I can remember.

At school when I got bored I always filled in the sketchbooks or those of my friends, In 11° grade I chose the visual artistic elective and I even did the works to my classmates. I can say that I have a collection of differents pencils, paintings and things to decorate in my desk and when a friend or family member this birthday I write a handwritten card but they turn, bend like an accordion or explode with confetti, not the typical ones that you can buy in stores. I can´t say how long it takes me to do it because it depends on the day and my mood, sometimes it can be an hour and other times it can be a day.

Whatever it's to do something with your hands, even build something is always received in a good way by me, if that means getting dirty even better!! I definitely don't serve to be locked in an office unless it's to make a DIY proyect 😊

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

Family photo

This is my Family, we are not a lot but we are united and this photo was taken the last month in the church on christening of the son of my cousin Jennifer : Emiliano, he is the little baby in the middle of the group, although my cousin (Jennifer), her boyfriend (Miguel), my mother (Gladys) and my brother (Jaime) are missing in the photo this is the last that was taken, The man holding Emiliano in his arms is my father (Jaime), on the rigth of the photo is my aunt (Margarita) dressed in black, above her is my uncle (David) he is Emiliano's Grandfather, on the left of the photo is my uncle (Fernando) and by his side is his wife and my aunt (Veronica), down of them I am in the middle, and down of me is mi cousin (Cristóbal) and his sister and my cousin (Fernanda) with them we take little difference in age and finally there is my grandmother (Elena), she was looking at another camera and didn´t notice that we all looked towards the front.

I remember that after of the ceremony all went to celebrate Lampa to the house of my cousin´s in-laws and there was a lot of food. I like this photo because we were all celebrating and it was a good day!!

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

A special job

Today I´m going to talk about a job that I would like to do, I have never worked before on something just I make a little works for some relatives and friends but nothing serious and whitout paid payment, I love the nature and the animals, all of the relation of outdoor activities and that has no relation whit the work in office. 

My ideal work in the future would be traveling around the world in contact with the diferent nature or promote the rescue of animals in danger of extincion in natural reserves because I can generate a change in the life of the diferents animals and both I can know differents places of the world, to do this job well I have to learn a lot of about the flora and fauna and investigate about the conditions for its development. I think that I have been a great traveller / activist because I have allways been related to this topic, I'm scout and I was a volunteer in monkey rehabilitation center in 2017 in Peñaflor.

Some of the persons that I admire are Bear Grylls (is an adventurer expert in survival) and Jane Goodall (is a primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist) both are British and they have developed in these areas.

Photographic camera

Hi bloggers! today I'm going to talk about a piece of tecnology  that many of us use every day in our lives, I'm talking about the ...