viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

My hobby

I think I have many hobbies, when I was a child I practiced figure skating from 7 years old  until 11, then I liked volleyball and now I like to practice trekking. I really like any activity where I have to move but I also like crafts like draw, paint or create something with my hands, since I was a child my mom encouraged me to be creative (maybe because she is an art teacher) I always had some activity, so I like it since I can remember.

At school when I got bored I always filled in the sketchbooks or those of my friends, In 11° grade I chose the visual artistic elective and I even did the works to my classmates. I can say that I have a collection of differents pencils, paintings and things to decorate in my desk and when a friend or family member this birthday I write a handwritten card but they turn, bend like an accordion or explode with confetti, not the typical ones that you can buy in stores. I can´t say how long it takes me to do it because it depends on the day and my mood, sometimes it can be an hour and other times it can be a day.

Whatever it's to do something with your hands, even build something is always received in a good way by me, if that means getting dirty even better!! I definitely don't serve to be locked in an office unless it's to make a DIY proyect 😊

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Photographic camera

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