viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

Family photo

This is my Family, we are not a lot but we are united and this photo was taken the last month in the church on christening of the son of my cousin Jennifer : Emiliano, he is the little baby in the middle of the group, although my cousin (Jennifer), her boyfriend (Miguel), my mother (Gladys) and my brother (Jaime) are missing in the photo this is the last that was taken, The man holding Emiliano in his arms is my father (Jaime), on the rigth of the photo is my aunt (Margarita) dressed in black, above her is my uncle (David) he is Emiliano's Grandfather, on the left of the photo is my uncle (Fernando) and by his side is his wife and my aunt (Veronica), down of them I am in the middle, and down of me is mi cousin (Cristóbal) and his sister and my cousin (Fernanda) with them we take little difference in age and finally there is my grandmother (Elena), she was looking at another camera and didn´t notice that we all looked towards the front.

I remember that after of the ceremony all went to celebrate Lampa to the house of my cousin´s in-laws and there was a lot of food. I like this photo because we were all celebrating and it was a good day!!

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Photographic camera

Hi bloggers! today I'm going to talk about a piece of tecnology  that many of us use every day in our lives, I'm talking about the ...